Saturday, October 29, 2016

Genius Hour Progress

Words & Sentences from: Vicars, W. (n.d.). ASL: 1 Lesson: 3. Retrieved from *

I am only three lessons into my ASL journey, and Genius Hour is coming to a close very soon! I will still continue to learn ASL and continue with the lessons when Genius Hour is over. Genius Hour provided me with the time and foundation to learn a great new language, which I am very excited to continue working at.

As I have expressed through my last progress posts, I still have a long way to go. Although I find myself slightly improving each week, I still need to practice on refining my hand shapes. This means that after I learn a set of words or sentences, I need to ensure that I am going back and reviewing them. Having someone to practice signing with would definitely be helpful! Another difficulty that I have encountered have been that it is easy to learn the signs however making the video is quite time consuming, however it does make it easier to see the progress I have made!

My goal for next week is to go over all the signs and sentences I have learned so far as well as to work on the fourth lesson! 

*Note: the purpose of this video is to demonstrate my progress of learning American Sign Language, not to serve as a lesson for learning ASL. Visit  ASL University to view the lessons that I learned from.

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